28 April-1 May: Course II in Madrid, Spain

Thursday 28th April. Free Conference Adhyayana 22, Madrid (Registration Required) 
Espacio Ronda C/Ronda de Segovia 50 a las 19h
Friday 29th April to Sunday 1st May. Pedagooogia 3000 Intensive Training, Course II Teaching Practices for the Third MillenniumMadrid 

Empieza el curso a las 18h el viernes 29 en
c/ Clara Campoamor, 25 - local
28025 Madrid
(Metro: Oporto - Autobus: 247)
Tlf.- 91.461.46.40 - 669.224.316 - 660.507.962

Information: Adhyayana22-educating ourselves with consciousness. educacio22@gmail.com, www.adhyayana22.org

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