pro-activa y divertida
We invite you to co-create a proactive and fun
worldwide education
日本国 - 臺灣/台湾 - España - Islas Canarias - المملكة المغربية
Sverige - Deutſchland - Россия - Ghana - South Africa - Australia - New Zealand - México
ٳسْرَائِيل • יִשְׂרָאֵל - Ελλάδα - България - France - Öſterreich - Italia - Belgium - UK - Éire Italia
Argentina - Uruguay - Canada - US - Chile - Bolivia
emAne es una Alianza Mundial
emAne is a Worldwide Alliance
conformada por voluntarios/as
made up of volunteers
re-unidos/as para transformar
who have come together to transform
y co-crear una nueva Educación,
and co-create a new Education
basada en la necesidades actuales
based on the present needs
de los niños/as y jóvenes
of the children and the youth
de hoy y enfocada en los
of today and focused on
nuevos paradigmas del Tercer Milenio.
the new paradigms of the Third Millennium
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Con todos nuestros agradecimientos a los/las que hicieron posible esta gira 2011
Many thanks to all who have made this 2011 tour possible:
Argentina+Australia+Austria+Belgium+Bolivia+Bulgaria+Canada+Canary Islands+
Chile+ China+France+Germany+Ghana+Grecia+Ireland+Israel+Italy+Japan+Morocco+
Chile+ China+France+Germany+Ghana+Grecia+Ireland+Israel+Italy+Japan+Morocco+
México+New Zealand+Russia+South Africa+Spain+Sweden+