2011 Tour Dossier

From February to December 2011

With Noemi Paymal, the French anthropologist, author of Pedagooogia 3000, Guía práctica para docentes, padres y uno mismo. (Pedagooogy 3000, a practical guide for teachers, parents and oneself)

For pedagooogy designed according to the children and the young people of today and tomorrow!


What is the Pedagooogy 3000 World Tour All About?

The aim of the Pedagooogy 3000 World Tour is to raise awareness about the need to improve educational systems all around the World, and to promote truly holistic learning in order to:

-          Meet the existing needs of children and the youth of today
-          Promote a caring global society of peace and well-being.

This tour is driven by Pedagooogia 3000 and emAne, enlace mundial paruna nueva educación (worldwide link for A new education), see www.pedagooogia3000.info and http://www.pedagooogia3000.info/web/html/maneng.htm (Education 3000 Manifesto in English)

In each country, this tour is organized in close collaboration with local partners and the general logistical coordination is taken care of by Codepaya and Adhyayana22 in Spain, EduKa-3000 in France and Pedagooogia 3000 in Bolivia (directly with Noemi Paymal) depending on the countries visited.

When? February 15th to June 15th, 2011

Who is it For?

This tour is aimed at anyone who is involved in education, ie: father, mother, family, teachers, teachers to be, students of Educational Sciences, doctors, paediatricians, teachers, psychologists and any Institution involved with children, education and health, as well as for the general public.

We offer to share and exchange holistic educational tools, updated information on children and the young people of today, strategies for a comprehensive social-education for the Third Millennium linking a maximum of countries, so as to inform, support each other and act together.

Topics to Share
The topics to be shared include, among others:
·         Children of the third millennium. Who are they?
·         The status of the latest investigations?
·         Why are they so different?
·         What does this mean for the new society?
·         What to do and not do?
·         Scientific backup on today’s children’s new patterns of learning.
·         Hypersensitivity.
·         Bio-integral development, i.e. an education that will address the following areas: physical neuro-kinesiology, emotional, eco-ethical-social, multicultural, creative aesthetic, cognitive, psychological and spiritual-intuitive.
·         The 13 Multiple Intelligences. bio-intelligent educational tools for the holistic development of human beings.
·         The importance of Emotional Intelligence in education.
·         Multiculturalism and the Culture of Peace.
·         The Teaching Triad, OV2M in Spanish (Trades, Life and Subject Matter, PL2S in English).
·         The 8 pillars of Pedagooogía 3000.

What Events Can We Offer?
1. Introductory lectures of 2 and a half hours.
2. 4-hour intensive workshops
3. Weekend workshops (8 or 16 hours)
(See appendix at the end of this document)

In every country we'd also love to meet with people or institutions that promote an alternative pedagogy for the Third Millennium.

In each country, we would need a place to dictate events, advertising and lodging. We take care of our transportation and board. Depending on the country we would be one to three people.

Languages and Translations
Events can be held in Spanish, English or French. Depending on the country, we would need simultaneous translation of events into the local language and a prior written translation of written material if necessary.

Countries to be Visited in 2011
The countries to be visited during the world tour include: China, Japan, Portugal, Spain, Morocco, Israel, Greece, Bulgaria, Italy, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, England, Ireland, Scandinavian countries and Russia.
And Colombia, Ecuador, Brasil, Uruguay, Venezuela and Argentina as well.

Special Events on the Pedagooogia 3000 World Tour

How to make Education fun, integral, proactive and multicultural?
How to be an excellent father and teacher of the Third Millennium?
How do the children learn today?
What to do with my children, my students?
What not to do?
What about myself?

Dictated by the lic. Noemi Paymal, a French anthropologist, author of Pedagooogy 3000A practical guide for teachers, parents and oneself.

1. Lectures, two and a half hours

Lecture 1: Children of the third millennium. Who are they? Why are they so different? What does it mean for the new society? What to do and not do?

Lecture 2: Scientific backups on children’s new learning patterns. The 13 Intelligences. Educational needs of the Third Millennium.

Lecture 3: Holistic education for the new millennium, bio-intelligent, bio-morphic and bio-reconnection tools for the classroom and the home.

Lecture 4: Intuitive Children? What to do and not do?

2. Interactive workshop-seminar (4, 8 or 16 hours)

The workshops are theoretical and practical, with exercises and games. The sessions are participatory and integral. We work on the various levels of human development, with practical and dynamic activities in accordance with the interests and needs of participants.


-          Children of the third millennium: Who are they? Why are they so different? What does it mean for the new society? What to do and what not do?

-          Striking changes in children and young people today, psycho-emotional characteristics and behaviour, five generations of children of the third millennium, a very fast process.

-          How to recognize the psycho-emotional profile of your student or child. The outstanding characteristics of children and youth of the third millennium.

-          Bio-integral development; an education serving the following areas: physical neuro-kinesiology, emotional, eco-ethical-social, cultural, aesthetic, creative, cognitive, psychological and spiritual-intuitive.

-          The 8 Pillars of Pedagooogía 3000.

-          Original and diversified Learning. The 13 Multiple Intelligences.

-          Bio-intelligent, bio-morphic and bio-reconnection tools. Make education fun.

3.Pedagooogy 3000 Special Training

What does the P3000 training consist of?

“The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.”Leer fonéticamente

Diccionario - Ver diccionario detallado

Albert Einstein

We are pleased to invite you to the Intensive Training-Integration Courses of Pedagooogy 3000. This course is for those who would like to:

- Have an update on the latest Academic changes on an educational and anthropological level
- Actively engage in the new education and in the purpose of the children and the youth of today
- Achieve a profound personal development and work with consciousness, in tune with the current changes.

This Intensive Training-Integration is designed to strengthen us and give us the impulse to be an active agent of change and then be a "focal point"of change and unity for the new education.

This Intensive Training-Integration has 4 components:

  1. Course I: "Holistic Education is Possible "
  2. Course II: Pedagogical practices for the Third Millennium "
  3. Course III: "The Inner Master"
  4. Practical Integration Thesis

These courses can be taken in any order. Each course lasts 24 hours spread out into 3 or more days. Each are described, one by one later in this document. For the diploma, one must successfully pass the three courses and complete the final Integration thesis.

Requirements to Take Courses

- have taken a previous workshop with Noemi Paymal
- and having read, entirely the book  Pedagooogia 3000.

This book is free on  http://www.pedagooogia3000.info/html/libro02.htm

These rapid current changes invite us to a profound personal transformation, which will act with conscience, peace and prosperity

Course I allows for an understanding of the current social and pedagogical changes, and provides ideas for specific applications and implementation of a new pedagogy. It offers up-to-date research and observations about today's children and the education they need, and how to carry out the corresponding practical applications in the current school system, from the subject that one teaches or from any type of implication in education and current changes. How to achieve a proactive, protagonistic, useful, comprehensive and fun education? Course I also provides recommendations to carry out practical steps to improve the current education in general and help with the personal development of adults involved in education.

Course II offers participants to explore innovations in education and apply them from any field. To know, and above all, to apply, in any context, Pedagooogia 3000’s 33 applied pedagogical handbooks of tools and those of several current pedagogical alternatives.

It includes exercises to achieve an integral development of children and  adults which takes care of them, including physical, emotional, cognitive, ecological, aesthetic-creative, intuitive, spiritual, social, multicultural, ethical-solidarity and family development. It involves exercises using the four elements, exercises for the right hemisphere and the "4th brain”, integrators mandalas, labyrinths, Light - Sound - Form, how to work in a higher octave of consciousness, body´s movements, opening of consciousness, Purpose of Life games, Re-Connection games, global Culture of Peace, silence and teachings with conscious breathing, creative visualization and relaxation, self esteem, stress techniques for teachers and parents, Sacred Geometry in education, A synthesis game and an overview of education in the future, among other topics.

Course III explores in a living way the triad  Love, Wisdom, Will and investigates the issues of multidimensionality and life purpose, as well as, the energy changes of these times and how to handle them for myself and for my students and / or children.

It also strengthens the starting point of our attitude as a teacher or other professional (or just as a human). Whatever we do, whatever our branch, it emerges from an internal source of personal balance, inner peace and understanding, Universal Compassion and Unconditional Love, and not from frustration and anger (stemming from the same education we received or because we see and experience the disasters of the current education or the day-to-day world), with a deep understanding of the current process of rapid change that touches humanity today.

Practical Integration Thesis (PIT)
Finally the course concludes with a personal project created by each participant, in writing or on DVD, about an educational topic of the Third Millennium of interest. At the end of the three previous courses, it is required that each participant discuss the subject of his or her thesis with Noemi, and write a brief summary. Once approved, a deadline will be decided for its delivery, approval, and completion of this series of Pedagooogia 3000 Intensive Training-Integration  which will lead to the trueTraining, the Learning Life itself, which allows one to implement the co-recreation of our own pedagogy, our own growth, our Love, Wisdom, Will. With the permission of the authors these thesis will be posted on the Web, helping others in a practical and supportive way with thier example and ideas.

Participatory-active with special attention to the personal development of each participant.
Come in comfortable clothes, your bottle of water and sneakers.

Evaluation and feed back
Each course will have three individual integrative tests, self-assessment, a semi-group and a practical exercise on how to make assessments in the Third Millennium, as well as a group evaluation of practice (exercise undertaken during the penultimate session.)
Feed back on day 2 and on the last day.

4. What is Pedagooogy 3000 (Pedagooogia 3000 TM)?

Pedagooogy 3000 is an educational Culture centred on the children of today and tomorrow, with all of their differences, their specific needs and their new ways of learning and being. Pedagooogia 3000 is constantly gathering and co-creating teaching tools that support the wellbeing and global-affective development of infants, children, young people, parents and teachers’ and the rest of society as a whole. Pedagooogia 3000 is flexible and based on the new paradigms of the Third Millennium. It adapts itself to each specific social, cultural, economic and ecological environment.

Pedagooogy 3000 is an expanding pedagogy that is evolving as we further enter the Third Millennium. More than a new theory or a new pedagogical procedure or any fixed model of learning, it is a constant ‘openness’ to understand and address the needs of the Third Millennium children who are, of course, quite different from the previous generations and who continue to change, it seems, at a very fast pace. In other words, Pedagooogy 3000 is an attitude that translates into an understanding-action in constant growth and motion.

Inclusive by nature, Pedagooogy 3000 proposes to combine and empower the best of the methodologies, procedures and past teaching techniques, including the most ancient, the present ones and the ones in progress.

We promote comprehensive human development synergistically, re-creating education at various levels according to the paradigms of the Third Millennium. From the field of education, we aim to help the co-creation of a new humanity who lives in conscience, freedom, joy and harmony. We promote and implement worldwide a Holistic Education, designed according to the needs and new characteristics of today’s children. We understand education as an integral “reconnection process” which generates a higher consciousness.

Our goal is to substantially improve the educational system in general, personal and group development, and the well-being of each human being and of the new emerging society.

To learn more, check About Us in http://www.pedagooogia3000.info/web/html/quienesomos.htm (in Spanish)

5. Noemi Paymal: A Short biography

Noemi Paymal is the author of Pedagooogía 3000. A practical guide for teachers, parents and oneself.

Noemi Paymal is French. She is a researcher, communicator, anthropologist, author and creator of Pedagooogia 3000®. She has worked for more than 25 years in various Latin American countries in the field of applied anthropology and alternative education.

Currently, she is constantly travelling, and has given over 720 lectures and workshops in Argentina, Colombia, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Spain, the United States, France, India, Kenya, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Venezuela and Uruguay. In 2009, she participated in the International Forum of ANH with Deepak Chopra, in the education section.

Since 2001, together with a multidisciplinary international team, she is investigating the issue of children and young people ‘of the Third Millennium’. She has been the director of three electronic journals, the coordinator of several radio programs, including the program "Radio Pedagooogía 3000, a meeting with the new generations" and the producer of several television programs on the subject of education and personal growth.

Presently she is promoting emAneenlace mundial paruna nueva educación (worldwide link for new education), together with Adhyayana22 (Barcelona), Asiri (Lima) and several other institutions and individuals from some 25 different countries.

She is the author of several books on anthropology and alternative education.

5. Bibliography

In Spanish

Espinosa Manso, Carlos, Walter Maverino y Noemi Paymal
2007. Los niños y jóvenes del tercer milenio. Guía práctica para padres y educadores. Ed. Sirio. España.
Paymal, Noemi
2008. Pedagooogia 3000. Guía práctica para docentes, padres y uno mismo. 2nd revised edition. Interactive. Ed. Ox La-Hun. Barcelona, Spain. (2010, fourth edition, Ed. Brujas, Córdoba, Argentina and Ed. Ox La-Hun, Bolivia).
Paymal, Noemi (pocket and mini-books)
2008. Kiero Kambiar y … ahora sé cómo. Ed. Ox La-Hun. La Paz. Bolivia.
(I Want to Change..... and Now I Know How)
2007. Pedagogía 3000 en 13 pasos fáciles. Ed. Ox La-Hun. La Paz. Bolivia.
(Pedagooogy 3000 in 13 Simple Steps)
2006. ¿Qué hago con mi hij@? Ed. Armonía. La Paz. Bolivia.
(What can I do with my child?)
2009. ¿Cómo recibir a los bebés de hoy? Ed. Armonía. La Paz. Bolivia.
(How to Receive the Children of Today)
2010. Pedagooogia 3000 y la Expansión de Conciencia. Ed. Ox La-Hun. La Paz. Bolivia.(Pedagooogy 3000 and the Expansion of the Consciousness)
Paymal, Noemi2010. Booklet. Serie “La educación holística es posible. #Number 1 to 33. Ed. Ox La-Hun. La Paz, Bolivia (to be published).

In English
2008. Easy Pedagooogy 3000. 13 Simple Steps for Being Mother, Father and Teacher in the Third Millennium... and enjoying it! Pocket book #2. Ed. Ox La-Hun. La Paz, Bolivia

In Portuguese
2008. Pedagooogia 3000 facil. 13 passos simples para ser um excelente pai, mãe e professor do Terceiro MilênioSão Paulo. Brasil.

In French
2010. EduKa-3000 Quelle éducation pour les enfants du 3ème millénaire? (to be published)

Videos and Audios (in Spanish)

2009.  Pedagooogía 3000 para radio, un encuentro con las nuevas generaciones”,
           (Pedagooogy 3000 for Radio, an Encounter with the New Generations)
20 chapters of 40 minutes each. Introduction byWolfgang Kellert.
2009.  An Introduction to Pedagooogia 3000, by German Campos. 3 minutes.
            (An Introduction to Pedagooogy 3000)
2010.  13 Pasos Fáciles, Pedagooogia 3000, by German Campos. 44 minutes.
            (13 Simple Steps, Pedagooogy 3000)
2010.  Saber Aprender, Pedagooogia 3000, part I and II, by Eduardo Borrello and Graciela Croatto. 
           21 minutes and 24 minutes.
            (Know How to Learn, Pedagooogy 3000, Parts I and II)
2010.  13 Cuadernos Pedagooogicos Prácticos, by Eduardo Borrello and Graciela Croatto. 3 hours.
            (13 Pedagooogic Practice Notebooks)
2010.  11 Cuadernos del Método ASIRI, la Educación de Mañana Hoy, by German Campos
           and Ivette Carrión. 2 hours.
            (11 Notebooks in the ASIRI Method, the Education of Tomorrow, Today)